Teaching Approaches

Best Educational Package

The realization of Ayb educational idea started with examination of the most successful projects of the top international educational systems with the purpose to create a unique educational package. 5 years prior to Ayb School opening, Ayb specialists conducted a thorough research and selected the best teaching trends to develop an exclusive methodology and avoid blind copying of other learning models.

Comprehend and Create

  • Languages
  • Mathematics
  • Information technologies
  • Natural sciences
  • Arts
  • Social studies
  • Physical training
  • Manual activity
  • Technologies
  • Social activity

Putting Theory into Practice

Ayb High School teaching methodology is anchored in Project-Based Learning. The educational process is designed to involve the students in various social programs and projects and to grant them a possibility to apply their knowledge and skills, as well as develop teamwork habits through communication and make future career choices. These projects are not merely educational but aim to produce practical results. The teachers cooperate with each other to arm the students with the essential knowledge on each subject for them to bring projects to life. The Project-Based Learning encourages students to bear responsibility for their education. The “learning by doing” method is an educational activity that sparks students’ interest and motivates them to study. It teaches communication, presentation and leadership skills, time management, self-esteem and self-expression, as well as ability to work in groups. The projects are designed on the basis of Howard Gardner’s “The Theory of multiple intelligences” book that suggests each student’s capabilities and distinctions should be taken into consideration.

Versatile Talents

  • Visualization talent
  • Musical talent
  • Somatic talent
  • Communication talent
  • Speaking talent
  • Logical talent
  • Pantheistic talent
  • Personal talent
Individual Teaching Program

Each Ayb High School student receives an individual educational package that consists of mandatory and optional subjects. Mandatory subjects have both standard and advanced levels. Ayb School has developed an efficient and comprehensive credit educational system, where every student makes choice in according with his/her personal achievements. The student should choose 3 advanced subjects and gain minimum credit for arts. Attention is paid to language learning and the development of students’ speaking and writing skills. The 12th grade students are offered AP (Advanced Placement) classes like it’s done in the leading universities of the world.·

Healthy Living and Aesthetics

Sports and arts classes, as well as club activities help Ayb students develop diversified skills, both mental and physical. Physical training is a mandatory subject in Ayb School, being viewed as guarantee of healthy living. Thereat, swimming is unconditionally offered to the students who can’t swim. Art-related subjects aim to develop aesthetic skills and to dilute the intense academic training.

Knowledge-Based Values

Shaping values and worldview is one of the main tasks of modern education. Our objective is to bring up citizens who are armed not only with knowledge but also with high sense of responsibility and self-identity. Combination of theory and practice is among top priorities at Ayb, where students are trained to become a part of society. Along with other techniques, they are educated about the importance of mutual support, awareness, tolerance, openness to new ideas and approaches, appreciation of others’ work, diligence and generosity.

Evaluation Discipline / Moodle

The Ayb School has adopted a 10-point evaluation discipline. However, as well as giving marks, the teachers have to submit assessment reports with detailed information about the student’s strong and weak sides, achievements and failures, the level of progress and issues hampering complete comprehension of the subject (if there are such). The teachers also help parents organize the children’s out-out-school time for them to achieve better results. Each student’s progress is uploaded in a separate portfolio to Moodle system so that parents follow the learning process.

The portfolio is meant to:

  • Follow the learning activity
  • Address comments to the teachers
  • Be involved in the educational process
  • Help children manage their time
  • Reveal the children’s strong and weak sides
  • Assist teachers is planning long-term and short-term activities
  • Develop the children’s social skills
  • Contribute to formation of parent community
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