Ayb students win Armenian School Science Festival

Ayb students have received three awards for three projects represented at the Armenian School Science Festival. As winners, they earned the opportunity to participate in a prestigious international science event with one of the projects.

The Green Chemistry PBL Club members introduced the following projects: Biodegradable Plastic Manufacturing Device, ReneMask, and Powerfill.

The Biodegradable Plastic Manufacturing Device was among the four winning projects. The award will be a trip to the United States to participate in one of the world’s biggest scientific competitions, the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), which will take place on May 14-19, 2023. The students designed a device that will manufacture biodegradable plastic capable of substituting the plastic made of oil-based materials that negatively affect the environment. During the Armenian School Science Festival, the students conducted experiments aimed at improving biopolymers and presented a 3D model that will serve as the basis of the future device.

ReneMask project got an award in Chemistry nomination. Previously, the project was among the top ten projects presented at The Earth Prize international environmental sustainability competition. 516 schools from 144 countries – a total of 560 teams – filed applications for participation in the competition. During the COVID-19 pandemic, a team from Ayb School launched a program for extracting alternative fuel from wasted medical masks. The masks were disinfected and shredded, then processed to become a source of energy alternative to fossil fuel, while the solid residue can be used in construction by adding lime. At the Armenian School Science Festival, the students talked about the processes and submitted the end products received from processing masks and other plastics.

Unlike the two previous projects, Powerfill was launched in 2023. This project also got a prize in Chemistry nomination at the Armenian School Science Festival. The students designed a device capable of absorbing carbon dioxide, thus reducing dangerous greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere.

40 educational institutions submitted 83 scientific and research projects at the Armenian School Science Festival in the following nominations: Mathematics and Programming, Physics and Astronomy, Chemistry, Biology, and Social Sciences. 70 of the projects were demonstrated in the final round.

Ilona Artazyan, grade 12


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