Week of Arts 2024

At Ayb, it's not all about scientific experiments and research. Our students are also deeply immersed in a variety of art forms that are an integral part of our school's life, from dances and painting to dramatic art, songs, and music. Each year, the Week of Arts event provides a platform for talented students to showcase the results of their hard work. This year's event, held from May 10 to 18, was a vibrant and captivating celebration of art in all its forms.

The Week of Arts unfolded with an art exhibition. The multi-genre and high-quality paintings brought a new breath to the canteen of Building C and Hayastan Hall. In addition to paintings, the works of pottery created by the Skilled Hands and Architecture and Design groups were presented. During the exhibition, students presented their multi-content works, each with a unique theme and idea. In the course of the day, a workshop on silk making was also held, adding another layer of richness to the event.

The Week continued in Hayastan Hall, where the 10th-12th graders' dance groups took the stage for a report concert featuring unique performances and dances. The energy in the hall was palpable as the inspired audience started dancing kochari after the students' performance, turning the space into a joyful celebration of art and talent.

A few days later, the stage of Hayastan Hall transformed into a theater stage. The art groups presented theatrical collages, etudes, and humorous scenes. The performances of the 10th graders were inspired by the works of Sergei Parajanov and Paruyr Sevak. Most of the 12th graders were directors and actors at the same time, demonstrating their versatility and leadership skills.

The next day was the choir’s turn to present their colorful musical performances. This year, the program included not only Armenian traditional and folk songs but also international masterpieces. Afterward, Kamar alumni choir unexpectedly took the stage for an exciting performance.

There was more to come. Another day featured a variety of musical instruments. The Week of Arts was crowned with our talented band's performance. The young musicians prepared a three-volume show, where the bands from each grade performed the whole repertoire with their own unique style.

The Week of Arts, with its high-quality singing and music, creative displays, and beautiful color combinations, not only pleased and lifted the audience's mood but also left a lasting impact on the school community. It once again proved that art is a driving force that can’t be separated from our school life.

Mariam Baghdasaryan

10th grade

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