How I made it into Ayb School. 10 simple steps

As Ayb School officially launches the admission procedure for the 2020/21 academic year, media team members tell about their own experience of entering Ayb.

Step 1. Get information about Ayb School

My brother and sister are both Ayb graduates. So, I knew quite much about the school, its advantages and difficulties. If you don’t have anyone from the family learning at Ayb, you are welcome to surf through its official website, where everything is described in detail. By the way, most of the news articles are written by the students, who are the members of media team. You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Telegram.

Step 2. Register for Doors Open Days

Each applicant should register and attend the Doors Open Days to tour the school, exchange thoughts and impressions. The tour is followed by a meeting with the school administration, during which the school history, vision and the examination process is presented.

Step 3. Attend consulting meetings

Consulting meetings are more commonly known as ‘mini-lessons’, during which the applicants get the opportunity to register for the subjects they prefer to study, ask questions and discuss matters of concern with the teachers. Two consulting meetings for each subject are held weekly. Each applicant can attend no more than two meetings on the same subject.

Step 4. Take English placement test

As some textbooks and materials at Ayb are in English, it’s necessary to know the language well enough in order not to get into trouble when studying.

Step 5. Take oral English test

Besides written skills, it’s also essential to be able to speak English. For example, during my oral English test I was asked about my hobbies and what I like doing in my free time. I also provided description for a picture.

Step 6. Fill in admission form

You should submit the documents required by the school and get permission to attend the exams. The admission form is available at Ayb School website. It should be filled in, printed, signed by the parent(s) and brought to the school located at Tbilisian Highway 11/11. Details are presented here.

Step 7. Pass the exams

You can choose two of the natural science subject list, and then opt for the Armenian or world history, or literature. Algebra, geometry and Armenian language are mandatory subjects. I, for example, have picked biology, chemistry and literature, gaining the highest points in biology test.

The samples of the previous year’s admission tests are available here.

Step 8. Pass the interview

The interview consists of two parts: a meeting with psychologists, teachers and representatives with Ayb community and an individual interview. The only advice I can give here is not to prepare for it. Just be sincere and be yourself.

Step 9. Publication of results

After completing all the previous steps, you just have to wait for a magic email saying you are admitted.

Step 10. Come to school on September 1

Congratulations! You are an Ayb student now.

P.S. The Ayb High School admission committee is formed by the Board of Trustees. The admission takes places based on the total of the exams and interview on a 1 to 64 scale.

No enquiry about the applicant’s financial state is made during the examination process. Such information is required upon completion of the admission procedures, during the consideration of possible financial assistance.

Sevak Mesropyan, 12th grade


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